Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I know I have been absent for quite some time....haven't really felt like blogging. 
 Haven't really felt like doing much of anything.

  Life is not always what you want it to be, but I have learned it is what you make it. I have, as of late, also learned some hard life lessons. 

This blog was not intended for personal banter, but for a "Junking Journal", but  I guess this is "what happens in between". 

 I have decided to make some changes in my life and put myself first, for probably the first time in my life.

 I have always done for others, and worried about what others thought of me. I have come to the conclusion that if someone has an issue with me, its not my problem, it is theirs, and I need to move on from that situation.

I know alot of people, but have only a few true friends. And just because someone is your family, that it doesn't mean they will always be there for you. 

And that is ok, I will LOVE you anyway.

I will always be here for you.......when you are ready.

I  follow blogs  that make me smile, laugh, cry,  go "oh that's a great idea, I should try that",  "the pretty blogs", the blogs that INSPIRE AND ENCOURGE me.

Usually I go straight to the photos and generally just glance over the editorials.

But lately I have been drawn to the words and emotions.

I want to GIVE THANKS to ANNEANNE MARIE  and MEL for drawing me to your words and emotions.


I want to GIVE THANKS for the LOVED ones that I will be spending Thanksgiving Day with, and that I promise not to yell at the TV during the football game.

OK, OK I'll try not to yell at the TV during the football game!

I want to GIVE THANKS that I don't have to get up at the crack of.....geez what time do the stores open?....on Friday, to fight all the "crazies" for that $299? 96? inch plasma flat screen TV.

I want to GIVE THANKS for that cup or 2 of coffee that I will enjoy tomorrow morning, and for the Hubby who will put the pot on.

I want to GIVE THANKS for the COURAGE that I have found to do what is best for me, and for the STRENGTH that I will need to stick to the program. 

And I want to GIVE THANKS for the hand of GOD, which has pointed me in the right direction. 

What will YOU GIVE THANKS for? 

I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

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